Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Trent "The Pine Wood Derby Master"

Trent made a Pine Wood Derby car. He modeled it after a Ford GT 40. It looked great!!! He had a great time racing the car. The car wasn't super fast, but he did win for his design and appearance. It was a great night. Way to go, Trent.
Sanding and sanding and sanding.

More sanding.

A little help from dad and the dremel.

A few coats of paint.
Trent's car and the model car. Sweet!

Lining the car up just right.

1 comment:

Sally said...

That is an awesome-looking car! I think it would have won here, too :). Our Pinewood derby is not until next month, though.

Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I really should put new friends on my list of PROS. It's just so weird to think of. We moved here right out of college and so this is where my kids were born and we got the dog, etc, etc, etc...I'm just so glad there are friendly people like you there who have been through this before to remind me that there are great people everywhere! Thanks so much.